The TikTok market is dynamic, with new trends, issues, and features appearing frequently. In 2023, TikTok become more competitive than ever, but it also provide enormous opportunities for those who can take advantage of them. So, how to go viral on TikTok?

There are many suggestions for how to go viral on TikTok, but there are also many pieces of incorrect advise. It is crucial to know what to do and what not to do in this environment. In order to navigate this continuously shifting terrain, staying current with the latest innovations is crucial.

Drawing Insights from Jonah Berger

Understanding why people share content is crucial when trying to understand the complexities of virality. The best-selling book “Contagious: Why Things Catch On,” written by renowned social scientist Jonah Berger, looks into the fundamental concepts that underpin information propagation.

  1. Social Currency

People are more likely to share content, according to Berger’s theory, that enhances their social status or presents them as knowledgeable. Your material must be nothing less than extraordinary, distinct, or loaded with insider knowledge that people are willing to share in order to advance their own social standing in order to promote virality.

  1. Affective Resonance

Berger highlights the value of material that elicits strong feelings, including wonder, laughter, or surprise. More likely to promote a broad spreading phenomena is content that touches the heart, elicits powerful feelings, or offers a cathartic experience.

  1. Social Proof

One of Berger’s main themes is the propensity for people to follow the pack. Videos with a sizable amount of likes and comments typically draw even more of the same. A positive feedback loop can be started by encouraging active involvement and starting significant dialogues about your material. This will encourage additional people to contribute because others have already done so.

  1. Practical Value

Berger’s observations highlight how easily content that provides solutions to real-world issues may be shared. A guaranteed approach to encourage sharing is to produce material that offers useful advice, clever tricks, or ideas that will improve people’s lives or make their daily activities easier. When shared with others, such content cultivates a sense of usefulness.

  1. Telling stories

Berger emphasizes the vital role that good storytelling has in making content very shareable. People are naturally drawn to tales, and compelling stories have the special power to draw people in and encourage involvement. It is impossible to overstate the skill required to tell relatable, moving, and simple-to-remember stories. These tales create stronger bonds with your audience, which raises the possibility that they will spread the story to others.

Here is the example of success using story telling method.

How to Go Viral on TikTok 2023

Your TikTok profile may become famous if it goes viral. Along with increasing your following count, it also increases your opportunities for partnerships, sponsorships, and revenue. However, establishing virality necessitates careful preparation and implementation.

What TO DO

let’s break down the tips on “What TO DO to Go Viral on TikTok 2023” and provide a detailed explanation for each point while incorporating additional information and facts where relevant:

1. Identify trending topics and challenges

TikTok thrives on trends, so staying updated with the latest trends, challenges, and popular topics is crucial. Trends can include dances, audio clips, video formats, or specific themes. To go viral, incorporate these trends into your content but add your unique twist to make it stand out. For example, Jake Novak’s adaptation of the “PS5” rap duet trend, seen from the perspective of an “awkward guy,” went massively viral with over 18 million views.

TikTok Fact: TikTok trends can be short-lived, often lasting only a few days. Being quick to jump on a trend can significantly boost your chances of going viral.

2. Create powerful hooks — and make it shorter

With the abundance of TikTok videos, grabbing viewers’ attention in the first few seconds is essential. Experiment with various video formats, such as tutorials, storytelling, or comedy skits, and consider keeping your videos short, preferably under 45 seconds. Many viral videos are even shorter, around 20 seconds. Shorter videos increase the chances of retaining viewers’ interest.

TikTok Fact: Research shows that viewers’ attention spans have been decreasing, making shorter videos more effective in capturing and retaining their attention.

3. Leverage trending sounds

Sound is a vital element on TikTok. Incorporate catchy, trending songs into your videos to make them more engaging and relatable. Some creators even post trending audio but mute it to get an algorithm boost. Finding audio that aligns with your video’s style can enhance its appeal.

TikTok Fact: TikTok’s algorithm actively recommends videos with trending audio to users who have previously engaged with similar content, broadening your video’s reach.

4. Post consistently and regularly

TikTok’s algorithm considers the activity your videos receive, including likes, comments, and shares. Posting frequently increases your chances of going viral. Since each video has an equal shot at going viral, more posts mean more opportunities for success.

TikTok Fact: TikTok trends typically last three to five days, so align your posting schedule with trend lifespans.

5. Post at the right time

Timing matters on TikTok. To maximize views, publish your videos during peak usage hours when your target audience is most active. Research suggests that specific time slots, like Tuesdays at 9 a.m., Thursdays at 12 p.m., and Fridays at 5 a.m., generate higher engagement.

TikTok Fact: The best posting times may vary based on your niche, audience location, and their TikTok browsing habits.

6. Interact with your followers

Engagement is key to virality. Respond to comments from your TikTok audience, creating a sense of community and signaling to the algorithm that your content is engaging. Encourage engagement with calls to action in your videos, asking viewers to comment, share, follow, or respond with their videos using Stitch or Duet.

TikTok Fact: TikTok’s algorithm rewards interaction, so engaging with your audience can improve your content’s visibility.

7. Interact with other users and posts

Engage with other TikTok videos and creators, especially those in your target audience. Liking, commenting, and even creating Stitch or Duet videos in response to trending content can expand your reach and visibility on TikTok.

TikTok Fact: Engaging with trending content can help your videos appear in more users’ feeds and increase your chances of going viral.

8. Collaborate with other content creators

Partnering with popular TikTok creators through influencer marketing can help boost your content’s visibility. Choose collaborators relevant to your niche, build relationships, and propose collaborations. Collaborations introduce your content to a new audience, potentially increasing your follower count.

TikTok Fact: Collaborations can introduce your content to a new audience and increase your follower count.

9. Keep your videos short

Short videos, typically between nine to 15 seconds, align with TikTok users’ preferences. These bite-sized videos are more likely to capture and maintain viewers’ attention.

TikTok Fact: Short videos are favored on TikTok, as they are easily digestible and align with users’ shorter attention spans.

10. Start with a hook

Capture viewers’ attention instantly by establishing a hook within the first few seconds of your video. Research indicates that videos starting with powerful emotions tend to have higher view rates.

TikTok Fact: Quick engagement in the opening moments of a video can determine whether viewers continue watching.

11. Add value, entertain, and be relatable

While there’s no one-size-fits-all content type for virality, being funny, entertaining, and relatable in your videos can boost your chances. Humor is especially appreciated on TikTok, but you can also add value through educational or behind-the-scenes content. Authenticity and relatability resonate with TikTok’s audience.

TikTok Fact: Authenticity and relatability resonate with TikTok’s user base, leading to greater engagement and sharing.

12. Be a little controversial

Controversy can stimulate engagement when used thoughtfully. Choose relevant, sensitive topics to encourage reflection and reaction, not offense. Controversial posts evoke strong emotions and drive people to react.

TikTok Fact: Controversy can drive powerful emotions, increasing the likelihood of user reactions and sharing.

13. Cross-promote your TikTok content on other platforms

Promote your TikTok videos on other social networks, expanding your reach and driving traffic to your TikTok channel. Short, engaging videos align with trends on platforms like Instagram and Facebook.

TikTok Fact: Cross-promotion leverages the popularity of TikTok-style content on other platforms, increasing your video’s visibility.

14. Upgrade to a TikTok business account

A TikTok business account provides insights into your content’s performance and audience behavior. While it doesn’t directly impact your chances of virality, it offers valuable analytics to fine-tune your TikTok marketing strategy. Business accounts also enable you to monetize your content through TikTok ads and sales channels, making it a valuable tool for brands and businesses.

TikTok Fact: Business accounts provide valuable analytics to help you understand and target your TikTok audience effectively.


Avoid these common pitfalls that can hinder your TikTok success:

1. Stressing over production value

TikTok celebrates authenticity and informality. In fact, two-thirds of TikTokers believe that professional-looking videos from brands or certain creators can feel out of place on the platform. This highlights the platform’s unique appeal – it rewards content that feels real and relatable. So, don’t worry about Hollywood-level production effects; grab your phone and focus on creating content that stays true to you and your ideas.

2. Stressing over hashtags

Contrary to popular belief, hashtags don’t make a massive impact on TikTok virality. While some creators may advocate for extensive hashtag research and inclusion, research and experience suggest otherwise. Using one to three relevant hashtags in your video is usually sufficient. What matters more is a keyword-rich description in your caption. Over time, both users and the TikTok algorithm will recognize the type of content you create.

3. Avoiding overused trends and challenges

Participating in trending challenges and using popular sounds can boost your TikTok presence. However, beware of jumping onto overused trends that have become saturated. TikTok users prefer fresh and innovative content. Overused trends can make your content appear repetitive and less likely to stand out. To capture viewers’ attention, put your unique spin on trends or explore emerging trends that haven’t reached their peak.

4. Stressing over posting times

While experimenting with posting times can be useful, don’t overthink it. Quality content remains the primary driver of TikTok virality, regardless of the posting time. TikTok’s algorithm can be unpredictable, occasionally snubbing even great videos. If this happens, don’t hesitate to repost and try again. Identifying optimal posting times is beneficial, but it’s equally important not to worry if your schedule deviates occasionally.

5. Breaking free from superstitions

TikTok users often engage in superstitions related to hashtags, such as the infamous #fyp or #foryoupage. However, these superstitions may not significantly impact virality. While it’s a good idea to include one to three relevant hashtags in your video, hours spent researching trending hashtags may not yield substantial results. Focus on creating a descriptive caption with keywords – this is often more effective in getting your content recognized by both users and the algorithm.

6. Embracing TikTok’s unpredictability

TikTok’s algorithm doesn’t always follow a set pattern, which means that great videos can sometimes go unnoticed. Instead of stressing over the algorithm, accept that it’s not always predictable. If you have a high-quality video that didn’t gain traction, feel free to repost it and give it another chance. TikTok’s unpredictability is part of its charm and also offers creators the opportunity for second chances.


Achieving viral success on TikTok in 2023 demands a blend of creativity, strategy, and adaptability. Drawing insights from Jonah Berger’s principles of shareable content, we’ve explored the intricate facets that drive virality, from social currency to storytelling.

By following the recommended strategies and steering clear of common pitfalls, you can maximize your chances of going viral. Embrace TikTok’s dynamic nature, stay true to your unique voice, and remember that every video presents an opportunity for success. Keep experimenting, engaging, and creating, and your journey to TikTok stardom is well within reach.

Can I still go viral on TikTok if I have a small following?

Can I still go viral on TikTok if I have a small following?

Is it better to focus on trending challenges or create original content?

It’s a balance. Participating in trending challenges can increase visibility, but original, unique content can also go viral.

Can I recover from a content-related mistake on TikTok?

Yes, learning from your mistakes is crucial. Address the issue, make amends, and continue creating content that aligns with your audience’s interests.

What’s the ideal video length for TikTok?

TikTok videos can be up to 3 minutes long, but shorter videos (15-60 seconds) tend to perform better and keep viewers engaged.


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