Batxandr is back again, and this time he will charm you into simping for him. ?
Kenalin nih Batxandr, konten kreator ASMR yang jago banget bikin konten bucin. Mulai dari night call, nge-date di rumah sampe gangguin pacar main game juga ada loh. ?
Lagi buru-buru tapi tetap mau mendengar konten Batxandr? Tenang aja, Batxandr juga punya konten audio 15 detik di Tiktok dan Youtube yang ga kalah menarik loh.?
Nah kabar baik untuk kalian yang ingin mendapatkan rekaman eksklusif sekaligus mendukung kreator ini. Hanya di Gank, akan ada diskon rekaman ekslusif pertama Batxandr! Diskon ini hanya akan berlangsung tanggal 16 – 31 Juli 2022, sebelum kembali ke harga normal ya.
Selain diskon, Batxandr juga mau bagi-bagi hadiah alias giveaway untuk 6 pembeli beruntung! Pemenang akan dipilih secara acak dari pembeli ASMR eksklusif selama periode diskon berlangsung. Hasil akan diumumkan pada 1 Agustus di live TikTok! ?
Hadiahnya apa aja? Hadiahnya akan ada:
– 2 Custom ASMR
– 2 Sleep Call
– 2 Mystery Box
Custom ASMR adalah rekaman suara yang dibuat khusus sesuai request kamu loh. Khusus custom ASMR ini, pemenang juga boleh request untuk namanya disebutkan. ✨
Selain custom ASMR, akan ada pula sleep call ekslusif pemenang giveaway periode ini. Sleep call adalah ASMR yang cocok banget untuk didengarkan di malam hari, khususnya sebelum tidur. ?
Terakhir tapi tentunya bukan yang kalah menarik, akan dua hadiah mystery box! Kedua mystery box ini akan disiapkan langsung oleh Batxandr. ?
Penasaran dan ga sabar? Yuk follow & pantengin terus akun Gank Batxandr untuk info lebih lanjut!
- Syarat dan ketentuan ini hanya berlaku selama diskon berlangsung, yakni 16 – 31 Juli 2022.
- Gank berhak melakukan diskualifikasi terhadap peserta yang tidak mengikuti syarat dan ketentuan, ataupun pihak yang menuduh Gank telah melakukan kecurangan.
- Gank secara legal tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap (i) ketepatan deskripsi hadiah yang dimenangkan, (ii) garansi, kondisi produk ataupun jaminan apapun, dan (iii) kehilangan, ketelatan, kerusakan ataupun kejelasan notifikasi hadiah maupun komunikasi terkait acara yang berlangsung.
- Apple bukanlah sponsor dan tidak terlibat dengan undian ataupun lomba ini.
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(English ver.)

Batxandr is back again, and this time he will charm you into simping for him. ?
Meet Batxandr, an ASMR content creator who specializes in creating relationship-themed voice packs. He records anything from scenarios like good night calls, home dates, etc.
Want to hear a shorter ASMR? Batxandr’s got it covered! He also created 15-second recordings on his TikTok and Youtube. ?
Good news! For those of you wanting to get his exclusive ASMR and support him, now you can. Only on Gank, his first exclusive ASMR will be discounted for a limited period of time. This 50% off discount will be held on July 16 – 31 2022, before returning to its normal price.
Additionally, Batxandr will also be giving gifts to 6 lucky users! This giveaway will be limited to those of you who purchase his exclusive ASMR within the discount period. The winners will be announced on August 1 on his Tiktok’s live! ?
What are the prizes? There’ll be:
– 2 Custom ASMR
– 2 Sleep Call
– 2 Mystery Box
Custom ASMR are recorded voice-packs in which you may request made-to-order content or themes, such as a good night call made specially, just for you✨. Sleep Calls (or good night calls) are ASMR content that is best enjoyed during the night, especially before turning in. ? Last but not least, the Mystery Box prize will each contain a gift chosen personally by Batxandr, that will remind you of him.?
What are you waiting for? Follow and check out Batxandr’s Gank profile for more interesting updates!
1) Conditions only apply during the period of the campaign from 16th July to 31st July 2022.
2) Gank reserves the right at its sole discretion to disqualify individuals who do not comply with the terms and conditions set, or any individual who Gank reasonably believes is interfering with the fair running of the event.
3) Gank, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, assumes no responsibility and is not liable for (i) the accuracy or otherwise of the prize description, (ii) any warranty, condition, or guarantee in respect of the prize, and (iii) the loss, late or non-receipt, damage or illegible of prize notification or other communication sent with regards to this campaign.
4) Apple is not a sponsor and is not involved in any way with this lucky draw or contest.
Participating in the event means you have read, acknowledged, and agreed to the Terms & Conditions set out by Gank.
Gank reserves the right at its sole discretion to amend the terms and conditions when there is any change in applicable legislation, regulation, or gaming law or our interpretation thereof, or if directed to do so by any competent authority.
As such, these changes will be made known to all individuals through Gank’s Discord Channel and Social Media Channels such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.